Tagged: Rhinestones

Be Mine Gift Wrap Design

I always wanted to decorate a gift with stick-on foam hearts for a fun and easy to create design. They remind me of conversation hearts candy. These Valentine’s Day gifts could be given to anyone a friend, a child, or even a teacher because they are more charming than romantic.… Read more

Candy to Go

These whimsical Valentine’s takeout boxes are a fun way to give candy and treats to friends or teachers to show them you care. They are so easy to make. The red one was inspired by candy conversation hearts and for the pink, I just wanted to make something flirty and… Read more

Decorated Wine Bottle

Turn an ordinary wine bottle into an artful display that looks beautiful as the wine is being served. I layered this wine bottle with scrapbooking paper and a strip of textured fabric. Silk roses and a red bow add the finishing touches. This is a perfect accent for a romantic… Read more

Wrapping the Wrap

Here is a quick way to wrap a pretty gift with things you have on hand. A band of yarn wrapped around the box is a fast way to add interest with texture and dimension. This gift took less than 10 minutes to create and didn’t cost a thing. Look… Read more

Yarn Bow

This gift design is easy and very inexpensive to create. The top lid of a jewelry box is decorated with scrapbooking paper and yarn to create a reusable box. Adding a yarn bow to a gift will amaze people and leave them wondering how it was made. Click here to… Read more

Victorian Gift Bag

I love texture and using different elements on my gift bags. For this design I layered paper, ribbon and lace to make this beautiful Victorian gift bag. The materials I used are easy to find and it cost less than buying a gift bag but result is much more dramatic.… Read more

Bearing Gifts

This adorable bear is the perfect way to present a gift. I used a bear with long arms and I added Velcro to the paws so they would lock together to hold on to the gift. I made the gift box reusable by decorating the lid with a pretty bow… Read more

Valentine’s Kiss Gift Wrap Design

I love this design! All of the elements come together to create style and elegance.It is one of those designs that will definitely impress and it is much easier to create than it would seem. Instructions for this design can be found here.… Read more