Strawberry Hearts

It seems that strawberries and chocolate have become the official treat for Valentine’s Day. I have decided to take it a step further and make chocolate drizzled heart strawberries to add that extra charm to a romantic evening.


  • Strawberries preferably with pointed ends
  • Good quality chocolate (I used Godiva dark chocolate)
  • Mint leaves for accent


  1. Wash and dry strawberries. Cut off the green stem and cut the strawberry in half lengthwise.
  2. Cut a small V shape on the cut end of the strawberry.
  3. Make small cuts around the pointed sides of the V shape to curve the top to finish the heart shape.
  4. Arrange the hearts on a plate.
  5. Chop small pieces of chocolate into a microwave safe bowl.
  6. Microwave the chocolate for 30 seconds and stir. Repeat until the chocolate fully is melted but don’t over heat.
  7. Spoon the chocolate into a plastic bag (zipper bag or sandwich bag will work) and cut or pierce of small hole in the corner of the bag.
  8. Squeeze the chocolate and drizzle over the strawberries.
  9. Refrigerate to set and garnish with a mint leaf.

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