ManneqArt Hair and Makeup Competiton

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I had the pleasure of being a part of the first annual ManneqArt hair and makeup competition on Sunday at Savage Mill, Maryland. Hair and makeup artists were meticulously creating their fantastical designs to complement the 40 wearable art sculptures that had been submitted by designers all over the world.  I had the honor of creating the first wearable art piece (my Snowy Owl seen here and here) which helped advertise the event and entice fellow design enthusiasts to compete. FOX news was there to cover the festivities and the reporter even wore one of the wearable art pieces. Here are some of the highlights from the show.


FOX 45 doing a piece showing my Snowy Owl wearable art design.


I am being interviewed by FOX about the my Snowy Owl and the ManneqArt wearable art competition.


I love this lionfish design. I actually saw the designer making part of this design and she made it in two weeks!!! She said she didn’t even know how to sew…a true artist.


She also created the makeup for her lionfish design.


The model was sitting in the chair for hours while she had her face painting and hair attached.


A hollywood makeup artist who works on the set of the TV show Grimm had demonstrations creating her unique masks.

hot-head fire

The model poses with another talented artist’s Volcano design…this is one HOT couple.

grimm More amazing face creation designs from the makeup artist from Grimm.

steam-puntLocal metal sculpture artist created the super cool Steampunk costume and an Alaskan designer forged a fish sculpture made entirely from metal.


This is the back of dress which turns into a tree when she lifts the train.


Master facecreator, Mama Mia at work designing her mask-like artwork….stunning.


More of her beautiful work.


Another one of Mama Mia’s incredible face creations to accent…


This incredible Cyborg dress was created by Patti Euler of Queens Ink. I want to wear this!

newzealandAnother gorgeous piece.


This design is called Committed…not your typical wedding gown.


Several students from the Aveda school spent hours creating this showstopping piece. I think Lady Gaga’s team may be calling them soon.


This is a fun piece made out of inflatable items…


and the poodle lady made from bath items is fun.

These were just some of the incredible designs I saw yesterday. There is still  time to enter for the Wearable Art portion of the event which will be held in September. Visit or to apply. All applications must be received by July 30th. There are no rules to design, just be creative and create something unexpected. I am currently making another wearable sculpture…pictures coming soon.

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3 Responses

  1. Scott Signor says:

    I love your costumes id love to chat w you about your costuming

  2. Scott Signor says:

    I d love to chat w you about your costuming

  3. admin says:

    I would love to talk about costuming. Do you make wearable art or costumes?