DIY Valentine’s Day Centerpiece (King and Queen of Hearts)

DIY Valentine’s Day Centerpiece (King and Queen of Hearts)
It is easy to create a beautiful and unique DIY Valentine’s Day Centerpiece Idea with a twist that is sure to amaze your Valentine! This Valentine’s Day centerpiece is straying from the traditional hearts and roses with a King and Queen of Hearts, house of cards theme.
Flameless candles and roses adorn this design to add charm to this Valentine’s decoration. This centerpiece is inexpensive to make using household items and things from the craft store or Dollar Tree.
Watch my DIY Valentine’s Day Decorations TV segment on NBC Affiliate WBAL-TV where I show my King and Queen of Hearts centerpiece on my Valentine’s Day TV segment.
- Plastic Wrap and Foil Boxes
- Cardboard
- Wood Stir Sticks
- Red Acrylic Paint
- Red and Gold Glitter Glue
- Red Glitter Foam Hearts
- Playing Cards (Dollar Store or Old Cards)
- Queen and King of Hearts oversized Printout
- Flameless Candles
- Fabric Roses
- Craft Glue
- Hot Glue Gun
How to Make the DIY Valentine’s Day Centerpiece (King and Queen of Hearts)
- Glue boxes together to make the base.
- Paint the boxes red with acrylic paint. It may need at least two coats.
- Print out oversized cards. I scanned playing cards and enlarged them to fit on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of printer paper.
- Cut out two pieces of cardboard the size of the cards.
- Glue the cards to the cardboard.
- Glue the cards the base securing them with wood stir sticks. Slightly overlap the cards.
- Glue cards to top and side of the base.
- Glue Glittery Foam Hearts on the card.
- Use the red and gold glitter glue to accent the card.
- Glue playing cards together to make a house of cards.
- Place the house of cards in front the base. It does not need to be glued.
- Arrange flameless candles and fabric rose on the base and the cards to completes the beautiful Valentine’s Centerpiece.