DIY Stay-at-Home Crafts

Cereal box organizer
I had a great time doing a remote TV segment WTTG Fox 5 DC showing how to make Spring crafts along with fun home organizing items using only things you have around your house. Here is a great way to organize paper, supplies and books for both teleworkers, teachers and kids doing distance learning. I will be posting more of my stay at home crafts from my TV segment all week so check back to learn how to make more stay-at-home crafts and activities from things you may already have.
Cereal Box and Tissue Box Organizer:
- Large Cereal Box and Tissue Box
- Decorative Paper (wrapping paper, scrapbook paper)
- School Glue or Craft Glue
Mark 4 inches from the bottom on the side of the cereal box and 1 1/2 inch from the top corner. Draw lines to connect the measurements.
Cut the cereal box into two pieces as shown.
Cut 2 pieces of decorative papers for each box about 1/4 inch larger than the angled side so it can be turned inside the box. Use the side of the box as the pattern to trace the size of the paper.
Glue the paper to the box. Fill in any empty spaces with decorative paper and accent with ribbon and anything else you have to personalize your finished product.