DIY Birch Log Centerpiece

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DIY Birch Log Centerpiece

Spring is just around the corner and to celebrate the anticipated season, bring the outdoors inside with this beautifully decorated DIY birch log centerpiece. There is nothing more beautiful than adding natural elements to a floral design. Combining a hollow birch log, moss and small rocks accented with vibrant fabric flowers create the feeling of a Spring garden. This birch log centerpiece decoration is sure to brighten any springtime table whether is it for an Easter brunch or to be used as a festive decoration.

Materials Used for the Flowering DIY Birch Log Centerpiece

birch log materials

  • Natural Hollow Birch Log
  • Moss
  • Flowers
  • Cardboard
  • Small Rocks
  • Tea Lights
  • Velcro
  • Glue Gun

Instructions for DIY Birch Log Centerpiece


  • Cut a piece of cardboard about two inches larger than the length and width of the birch log.


  • Using a hot glue gun, attach the birch log to the cardboard.


  • Cut strips of the moss and glue it on to the cardboard, filling in all the gaps around the birch tube.


  • Cut stems of flowers off of the floral bunch and glue them to the birch tube as if they are growing out of the log. Feed some of the floral stems into the holes of the birch log like they would grow in nature.

birch log flowers

  • Continue to glue flowers to the log until the length is filled with flowers but you can still see the birch tube. Repeat on the other side.

birch log decoration

  • Insert long stems of flowers into each end of the log as shown.

birch log flowers

  • Insert long stems of flowers into each end of the log as shown.

paint candles

  • Paint each of the candles with acrylic paint so it will look more natural on the birch log.

birch log candles

  • Cut small pieces of Velcro and attach them, evenly spaced, to the birch log and to the bottom of each candle so the candles will be secure on the log.

Birch-log decor birch log decor

  • Attach the candles to complete your beautiful spring birch log centerpiece.

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