Thanksgiving gift wrap ideas seem to be often overlooked as a gift wrap design because everyone is busy getting ready for a Thanksgiving feast and gift wrapping may be lower on their this of things to do. Fall and Thanksgiving gift wrap has always been one of my favorite gift wrap designs. Fall is my favorite season with the beautiful amber and gold tones and the rustic and natural elements that can be incorporated into each gift. It doesn’t have to be someone’s birthday or a special occasion to wrap a festive fall gift. They can be a hostess gift to the people giving a Thanksgiving celebration or sent to a friend or family member that you were not able to see on Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving design I call Autumn Harvest because it incorporates all the elements of fall into a wrapped gift.
Small box
Oatmeal colored recycled wrapping paper
Brown color washed craft paper
Straw colored paper raffia
Small fabric autumn leaves attached to stems
Wrap a box in oatmeal colored paper.
Cut a piece of the craft paper 1/2 inch smaller than the width of the box and the length to wrap around the entire box plus 1 inch.
If the craft paper is not long enough to wrap around the entire box, tape two pieces together on the wrong side of the paper, matching the pattern, to achieve the desired length.
Using double-sided tape, tape the inside of the craft paper in even intervals at the edges and apply to the box, making sure to center the paper evenly on the top of the box.
Wrap the raffia 4 times continuously around the box and tie on one the middle strings, leaving a few inches for tails. Don’t worry if ribbon crosses on the bottom of the box.
Feed the each tail under the ribbons and tie a knot to cinch the ribbons together.
Arrange 4 fabric leaves evenly onto box and tie onto the package with the ribbon tails.
To make the bow, hold the ribbon about 3 inches from the end with your thumb and form a loop. Securing the loop with your thumb, form another loop on the opposite side the first loop. Continue this motion, holding each new loop with your thumb, until you have 3 loops on each side.
Tie the bow to the package using the ribbon tails. Separate the loops from each other, fluff the bow and trim the tails to matching lengths.
Reposition the leaves on the box so they are symmetrical and apply small amounts of glue underneath leaves to secure the arrangement to the box. Glue additional small leaves to the box around the bow to fill in the bare spots.
Medium Square Box
Oatmeal colored recycled wrapping paper
Brown color washed craft paper
Straw colored paper raffia
2 stems of fabric autumn leaves (each containing 2 leaves)
1 stem plastic wheat
1 stem autumn grass
Wrap a box in oatmeal colored paper.
Cut a piece of the craft paper 1 inch smaller than the width of the box and the length to wrap around the entire box plus 1 inch.
If the craft paper is not long enough to wrap around the entire box, tape two pieces together on the wrong side of the paper, matching the pattern, to achieve the desired length.
Using double-sided tape, tape the inside of the craft paper in even intervals at the edges and apply to the box, making sure to center the paper evenly on the box, overlapping the ends on the bottom of the box.
Wrap the raffia 4 times continuously around the box and tie on one the middle strings, leaving a few inches for tails. Don’t worry if ribbon crosses on the bottom of the box.
Arrange fabric leaves, wheat and grass together onto the box, making sure the wheat and grass are positioned between each stem of the leaves and tie onto the package with the ribbon tails.
Reposition the leaves and grass so everything is symmetrical. Add small amounts of glue underneath the leaves and grass to secure the arrangement to the box.
To make the bow, hold the ribbon about 3 inches from the end with your thumb and form a loop. Securing the loop with your thumb, form another loop on the opposite side the first loop. Continue this motion, holding each new loop with your thumb, until you have 4 loops on each side.
Tie the bow to the package using the ribbon tails.
Separate the loops from each other, fluff the bow and trim the tails to matching lengths.
Large Rectangular Box
Oatmeal colored recycled wrapping paper
Brown color washed craft paper
Straw colored paper raffia
2 stems of fabric autumn leaves (each containing 3 leaves)
1 stem plastic wheat
1 stem autumn grass
Wrap a box in oatmeal colored paper.
Cut a piece of the craft paper 1 inch smaller than the width of the box and the length to wrap around the entire box plus 1 inch.
If the craft paper is not long enough to wrap around the entire box, tape two pieces together on the wrong side of the paper, matching the pattern, to achieve the desired length.
Using double-sided tape, tape the inside of the craft paper in even intervals at the edges and apply to the box, making sure to center the paper evenly on the box, overlapping the ends on the bottom of the box.
Wrap the raffia 4 times continuously around the box, about 1/3 of the way from the bottom of the box. Tie on one the middle strings, leaving a few inches for tails. Don’t worry if ribbon crosses on the bottom of the box.
Feed the each tail under the ribbons and tie a knot to cinch the ribbons together.
Arrange fabric leaves, wheat and grass together onto the box, making sure the wheat and grass are positioned between each stem of the leaves and tie onto the package with the ribbon tails.
Reposition the leaves and grass so everything is symmetrical. Add small amounts of glue underneath the leaves and grass to secure the arrangement to the box.
To make the bow, hold the ribbon about 3 inches from the end with your thumb and form a loop. Securing the loop with your thumb, form another loop on the opposite side the first loop. Continue this motion, holding each new loop with your thumb, until you have 6 loops on each side.
Tie the bow to the package using the ribbon tails.
Separate the loops from each other, fluff the bow and trim the tails to matching lengths.
Wine Bottle
The measurements for this design are for a standard sized wine bottle. The lengths will have to be adjusted for different sized bottles. If the craft paper is sturdy enough, the finished design can be slipped off and saved for future use.
Difficulty – Medium
Oatmeal colored recycled wrapping paper
Brown color washed craft paper
Straw colored paper raffia
4 small fabric autumn leaves cut from stems
Cut a piece craft paper 5 inches wide and the length to wrap around the entire wine bottle plus 1 inch.
Using double-sided tape, tape the inside of the craft paper in even intervals on one of the edges. Wrap the craft paper around the wine bottle, and overlap the ends on the back side of the wine bottle.
Wrap the raffia 3 times continuously around the wine bottle and tie on the middle string, leaving a few inches for tails.
To make the bow, hold the ribbon about 3 inches from the end with your thumb and form a loop. Securing the loop with your thumb, form another loop on the opposite side the first loop. Continue this motion, holding each new loop with your thumb, until you have 3 loops on each side.
Tie the bow to the wine bottle using the ribbon tails. Separate the loops from each other, fluff the bow and trim the tails to matching lengths.
Glue 4 small leaves evenly around the bow to complete the autumn look.
by Gina · Published June 22, 2018
· Last modified June 30, 2020
Hi everyone, it’s Gina! I love to share my designs showing how to create using things you may already have around your house along with inexpensive items. I am a lifestyle contributor on live TV network affiliates demonstrating how to make ideas for all occasions.