Nautilus Wearable Art Design
I created another wearable art piece for the ManneqArt Sculpture on the Human Form competition. My first wearable art piece, Snowy Owl, can be seen here. They had four categories to choose from Earth, Air, Water and Fire. I choose water. And yes, that is me modeling my design.
My inspiration was drawn from the graceful deep sea jellyfish and all of its beautiful, vibrant colors combined with the steam punk mechanics of the Nautilus submarine from 20000 Leagues under the sea. I used hard and soft textures and incorporating unconventional materials into my work.

Steampunk Jellyfish Wearable Art Design
I bought fabric, designed the pattern and sewed the entire costume. I created all of the hardware accents from craft foam and acrylic painting techniques. I reused household items such as coat hangers, fruit cups, clothes pins, snack lids, painted bubble wrap and old clock parts. I added LED lights to the dome of the jellyfish to breathe life into my design.
I cut the propeller shape from craft foam and ironed it to create the curved shape. I also used an apple sauce lid for the center of the propeller
I painted it create an aged metal look.
I created the craft for the top of the head from craft foam and used Sculpt or Coat to stabilize the the foam.
I painted the crank and added accents. I also used a clothes pin to create the peg.
I made the breastplate from craft foam and a takeout ice cream lid.
The jellyfish headpiece is made from molding metal coat hangers.
I frayed my fabric with a fork…as you can see the dress was white. I painted the entire bodice to become a coral color and gave it an aquatic texture.
The early stages of my design.
I hand painted fabric to make the cut in design and also the wheel. I wanted to give it a copper metallic look.
My hand painted and decorated a custom mask.
I painted bubble wrap to give her suction cup tentacles.
Here she is at the Mall in Columbia. She was displayed by the fountain on the main level along with 15 other wearable art pieces. I modeled my piece t the ManneqArt awards gala in Columbia Maryland. It was fun being a mechanical sea creature.